Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Personal Ministry

My personal ministry for the month of January was 3 hours spent with the senior adults of Freedom Church.  Let me tell you something about Seniors...you can learn an unlimited wealth of things from them.  Anywhere from life lessons to old funny jokes.  If there's one thing a lot of them have in common it's that they like to joke. lol  We had a time of fellowship and then an awesome time of worship and devotion.  You can learn so much about the Lord from the older generation.  They've been through so much that you have no clue about until you ask them.  There was one woman there who was Jewish.  She grew up in America during WWII.  She definitely had some stories to tell.  About how her and her family were scared for their lives that what was happening in Europe was going to happen here in America.  I don't blame her for thinking that either.  She told us that there were signs on places that didn't allow Jews or Blacks and it was just a tough time period from what she told us.  You read in history books about how awful Hitler was to the Jews but they never talk about how we treated them back home.

Don't they look so innocent and carefree?? haha

Lee (one of the senior adults at our church) lead the worship time with one of my favorite contemporary hymns.  "In Christ Alone" I could listen to that song all day...it's so powerful.  We ended the time with some more good fellowship and left gaining new knowledge on a lot of things.  It was awesome to hear all the experiences and opinions of people who came from a different generation of church and Christianity.  It was nice to be able to go and serve and fellowship with the Seniors of our church and I can't wait to go back and do it again.

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