Sunday, January 13, 2013

Christmas Practicum #4

I spent this week mostly at the house.  I went to my mom and dad's church today and they took up a love offering for my Abaco trip.  I sang a few songs for the offering and showed the Go Abaco video as well.  I'm definitely appreciative of all that they gave and I always enjoy going there for service as well.

I learned that it's ok to want to do things for myself sometimes, especially when it comes to my passion.  I do it for God but I also need to remember that I do it because I love to play music and it brings me joy.  It's how I find my release and it's ok to know that it's for God and others but it's also for me.

I hope that my presence at the house this week was beneficial to my family but I'm not really sure.  I think that's my answer for both questions.  I didn't really have a way to leave the house this week so because of that I wasn't really involved in ministry but I did feel like I was able to minister to my mom when we went out to eat on Friday.  That was my favorite part about this week.  We talked a lot about the family and how she was doing and a good portion was spent talking about her relationship with God.  She seems to be doing alright.  I hope she is anyway, and the same for my dad.

What I learned this week is kind of what God has been telling me.  I don't balance my life out enough.  You're supposed to put God first, others second, and yourself third but a lot of times I feel like I don't give God enough of my time but I also don't feel like I spend enough time taking care of myself.  It's something He's been telling me that I seriously need to work on.

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