Monday, April 9, 2012


Funny.  But so true

This is something we've been learning all year but it seems that we haven't quite gotten it yet. We haven't applied it but I think we're finally getting it now. If only we had learned better towards the beginning of the year it could have saved us a lot of trouble. Better late than never though and we're learning better than ever. It took an extreme intervention to teach us but we're getting it. We've been building teamwork and looking for leaders through Tim's body shops every morning at 6. We do numerous team building exercises teaching us that in order to succeed we have to work as a a team. Law of the Big Picture: One is too small a number to achieve greatness. This is something that as a community and a team we have been failing to understand. In order for us to succeed in ministry, in body shop, or just in everyday life we have to work as a team. No one can act alone or it ruins the whole machine. Once the machine stops working it gets rusty and falls apart. We can't have that and we're all coming to that realization. Even small things like getting to the office on time or helping each other out with schoolwork or anything we're struggling with. We have to notice the needs of the members in the team and help them so we can keep the team working the way it should be. We have to work together. I think moving forward from here we're going to be a lot stronger and more focused on the team rather than on ourselves.

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